Local business owner Karen Tracey takes part in ‘Dragon’s Den’ event at Chase Terrace Technology Col
On Monday 7th July 2015, Year 8 students at Chase Terrace Technology College took part in a two day ‘Dragon’s Den’ event. The event was organised by the school’s Business and Information, Advice and Guidance departments and Karen Mercer-West and 12 other professionals were chosen to judge and pick a winning pitch for each day.
The students worked in groups of five and then had to decide on an idea, put together a mood board and present their pitch to a group of local ‘Dragons’, all in just a few hours. With help from two Enterprise coaches, there were a number of great pitches presented on the day. However, the winning idea for day was for scented sun cream (picture of the winners are above).
It was most definitely an enjoyable day for both the students, staff and ‘Dragons’ alike.

Monday’s ‘Dragons’: Tracey Hirst, Steve Jones, Jo Rowley, Karen Mercer-West, Joshua Froggatt